Thanks so much! I`ll be holdng myself Stefan in my arms in less than 10 days.......so touching.
Prayers being offered up for little Stefan. Poor little soul, and his poor parents and family. I can't tell you how blessed that I feel, to have healthy grandchildren and children. I support and do voluntary fund-raising work for the local Childrens' Hospice and some of the stories are just SO touching. Lovely post Claudia.
@Diane - yes, health is so important in one's life, I agree with you. I also would love to get more involved in supportin children, I believe we must help as much as we can!
Thank you for sharing this. I have never heard of this syndrome before - Stefan and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.
wow Claudia..this brought tears to my eys; Stephan is a champion..we all become stronger as we truly find common ground understanding and compassion. Properties which are deposited so deep within you ((hugs))
Claudia, I can offer my prayers for little Stefan and his family. I find myself easily having feelings for strangers.
@Amy - it is an usual disease, but Stefan and his family are strong, next week visit to Germany, so far all documents gathered!
@November Rain - in my eyes, full of hope, we have to believe that something great will happen!
@Suzy - thank you so much
by Alice Munro
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